Friday, May 22, 2009

Biggest Loser!!

I think all of you knew about this reality show that being played at 7.00o'clock on hallmark astro every weekday. For the people who didn't know, is a show like AF and survivors but the contest is to lose as much weight as possible. At the end of the week, they will conduct a little game to determine who will be send home.

Americans/westerners have obesity problem and it is serious, maybe thats why they come out into this program. enough said, this reality program was so good even all my sisters come to their senses and go for their jog (at treadmill unfortunately). I asked them to join me jog at the lake, they tried, but mostly they walk then jog...sigh~~

Malaysian.....for me like it or not we are towards on outbreak of obesity in our society. This is because of our lazy culture and busy or nothing to do (hanging out) atmosphere. But still, we have some of those who are la jog pun leh dibuat semasa jogging...

all and all, i enjoyed that program and I suggest maybe our television station can produce this kind of program, a healthy one....what ever it is, we have to cherish and enjoyed our life to the fullest!!


  1. huhuu..jgn makan nasi 6 bulan..
    huhuu..itu penyeksaan sbnrnye.. :)

  2. kena makan jugak...itu kalu gi kenduri la...takkan xmakan kot..nnt tuan rumah terasa hati...

